AAYGC Highlight - Mia
Indeed, great things come in two! We would like to once again give the spotlight to one of our AAYGC leaders, Mia, who was recently crowned as Miss Texas (South) Princess by National American Miss (NAM). The National American Miss Pageants are for “Today’s Girl” and “Tomorrow’s Leaders.” The pageant program is based on inner beauty, as well as poise, presentation, and offers an “All American Spirit” of fun for family and friends. Emphasis is placed on the importance of gaining self-confidence, learning new skills, learning good attitudes about competition, and setting and achieving personal goals. The pageant seeks to recognize the accomplishments of each girl while encouraging her to set goals for the future!
Mia is a multi-talented young lady who likes to dance, do gymnastics, and play sports like soccer and basketball. But her favorite thing to do is drawing during her free time. Even though she is only 7 years old, she uses her talent constructively. In her spare time, she likes to draw birthday cards for friends, and make thank you cards and artworks for front liners like doctors and nurses, and mail delivery personnel to show her appreciation.
After being crowned, she immediately signed up at Generation Serve to work with them on several projects including making pet toys for Animeals, making cards for hospitalized kids and seniors, decorating brown paper lunch sacks for kids’ meals, and being part of a clothing drive to benefit PAIR.
Mia has big dreams, one of them is to be in the movies where she can have a big platform to inspire other young girls to share their talent. She also would like to become an astronaut and go to Mars to be an explorer. Who knows what tomorrow brings but we know that she will do great things while serving the community like helping others along the way.
Congratulations again, Mia! We are all so proud of you!