AAYGC Adopt A Family 2016

To our dear Adopt A Family Sponsors, AAYGC Volunteers (Team Boca, Team Belara, and Team Pagewood) We want to express our appreciation for your generosity in support of the 2016 Asian American Youth Giving Circle's Adopt A Family Project. Your personal commitment was incredibly helpful and allowed us to Adopt 40 REFUGEE FAMILIES. Your assistance means so much to us but even more to the refugee families. See you again next year! #ShareTheLove #AAYGC #SeasonOfGiving #AdoptAFamily #AwesomeSponsors #AwesomeVolunteers #GiveLoveOnChristmas Let's share our blessings this coming Christmas Season! Please support the Adopt-A-Family Holiday Project of the Asian American Youth Giving Circle We supported 37 refugee families this year. #AAYGCHoliday #AAYGCAdoptAFamily #AdoptAFamily2016 #AdoptAFamily


New York Times Feature


Junior Achievement